To view Dr. Whitfield’s most up-to-date publication list, please visit her Google Scholar page.

Journal Special Supplement

MCN Supplement May 2019

Research and Scaling Up Nutritionally Sensitive Agriculture and Food Security Innovations: Highlights from the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund is now available online!

Guest Editors: Green TJ, Whitfield KC, Michaux KD, Wesley AS.

Publication and open access of this supplement was supported by the International Development Research Centre (IDRC) and the Government of Canada, provided through Global Affairs Canada (GAC)


Karakochuk CD, Whitfield KC, Green TJ, Kraemer K (Eds.). 2017 The Biology of the First 1,000 Days. CRC Press/Taylor & Francis Books. ISBN 9781498756792. 

The Biology of the First 1,000 Days is available free online!

‘Hot off the Press’ Papers (since 2018)

Baldwin DA, Measelle J, Gallivan L, Sanchirico A, Weinstein N, Bala A, Chan K, Gallant J, Borath M, Kroeun H, Sophonneary P, Wieringa FT, Green TJ, Whitfield KC. 2024 Language processing in breastfed infants at risk of thiamine deficiency benefits from maternal thiamine supplementation. Developmental Psychology

Labonté JM, Petten A, Fearon A, Harmon N, Whitfield KC. 2024 An exploration of nursing foot care practices and instrument reprocessing in Nova Scotia, Canada. Perspectives: Journal of the Canadian Gerontological Nursing Association 2024. 45(3):14-25

McSweeney MB, Kroeun H, Whitfield KC, and others. 2024 How does thiamine-fortified salt taste? Science Journal for Kids.

McSweeney MB, Kroeun H, Kitts DD, Singh A, Borath M, Whitfield KC. 2024 Cambodian salt fortified with thiamine has acceptable sensory characteristics and storage stability compared to standard iodized salt. Food & Humanity 2:100247.  

Kholina K, Brady J, Snelgrove-Clarke E, Rossiter MD, Whitfield KC. 2023 Dual modality feeders: a group of human milk feeders with unique practices and needs. Public Health Nutrition

Labonté JM, Kroeun H, Sambo S, Rem N, Luhovyy BL, Karakochuk CD, Green TJ, Wieringa FT, Sophonneary P, Measelle JR, Baldwin D, Whitfield KC. 2023 Restricting diet for perceived health benefit: A mixed-methods exploration of peripartum food taboos in rural Cambodia. Maternal & Child Nutrition 19(3):e13517.

Chan K, Labonté JM, Francis J, Zora H, Sawchuk S, Whitfield KC. 2023 Breastfeeding in Canada: predictors of initiation, exclusivity, and continuation from the 2017-18 Canadian Community Health Survey. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 48(3):256-69.

Rossiter MD, Richard B, Whitfield KC, Mann L, McIssac J-LD. 2022 Responsive feeding practices among families across the Canadian maritime provinces. Applied Physiology, Nutrition and Metabolism 47(5):495-501.

Ahmed MS, Whitfield KC, Yunus FM. 2022 Trends and predictors of early initiation, exclusive, and continued breastfeeding in Bangladesh (2004-2018): a multilevel analysis of Demographic and Health Survey data. British Journal of Nutrition 128(9):1857-67.

Chan K, Whitfield KC. 2022 “Too old” and “too cold”: Discomfort towards photographs of breastfeeding beyond infancy and public breastfeeding among adults in Nova Scotia, Canada. Journal of Human Lactation 38(2):353-63 doi: 10.1177/08903344211046191

Whitfield KC. 2021 Chapter 20a Thiamine in Principles of Nutritional Assessment 3rd Edition. Ed. Gibson RS.

Measelle JR, Baldwin DA, Gallant J, Chan K, Green TG, Wieringa FT, Borath M, Prak S, Hampel D, Shahab-Ferdows S, Allen LH, Kroeun H, Whitfield KC. 2021 Thiamine supplementation at higher doses for Cambodian mothers holds neurocognitive benefits for breastfed infants during the first year of life. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1498(1):116-132

Whitfield KC, Smith TJ, Rohner F, Wieringa FT, Green TJ. 2021 Thiamine fortification strategies in low- and middle-income settings: a review. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1498(1):29-45

Green TJ, Whitfield KC, Daniels L, Brown RC, Houghton LA. 2021 Modelling thiamine fortification: a case study from Kuria atoll, Republic of Kiribati. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1498(1):108-115

Chan K, Gallant J, Leemaqz S, Baldwin DA, Borath M, Kroeun H, Measelle JR, Rem N, Sophonneary P, Wieringa FT, Yelland LN, Green TJ, Whitfield KC. 2021 Assessment of salt intake to consider salt as a fortification vehicle for thiamine in Cambodia. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences 1498(1):85-95

Gallant J, Chan K, Green TJ, Wieringa F, Leemaqz S, Rem N, Measelle JR, Baldwin DA, Borath M, Sophonneary P, Yelland L, Hampel D, Shahab-Ferdows S, Allen LH, Jones KS, Koulman A, Parkington DA, Meadows SR, Kroeun H, Whitfield KC. 2021 Low dose thiamine supplementation of lactating Cambodian mothers improves human milk thiamine concentrations: a randomized controlled trial. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 114(1):90-100 doi: 10.1093/ajcn/nqab052

Fry HL, Levin O, Kholina K, Bianco JL, Gallant J, Chan K, Whitfield KC. 2021 Infant feeding experiences and concerns among caregivers early in the COVID-19 State of Emergency in Nova Scotia, Canada. Maternal & Child Nutrition 17(3): e13154 doi: 10.1111/mcn.13154

Moumin NA, Angel MD, Karakochuk CD, Michaux KD, Moursi M, Sawadogo AA, Foley J, Hawes MD, Whitfield KC, Tugirimana PL, Bahizire E, Akilimali PZ, Boy E, Sullivan TR, Green TG. 2020 Micronutrient intake and prevalence of micronutrient inadequacy among women (15- 49 y) and children (6-59 mo) in South Kivu and Kongo Central, Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). PLoS ONE 15(6): e0223393. doi:

Williams BA, Cochrane KM, Fischer JAJ, Aljaadi AM, McAnena L, Ward M, McNulty H, Kroeun H, Green TJ, Whitfield KC, Karakochuk CD. 2020 The homozygous hemoglobin EE variant is associated with poorer riboflavin status in Cambodian women of reproductive age. Journal of Nutrition nxaa119. doi:

Young MF, Guo J, Williams A, Whitfield KC, Nasrin S, Kancherla V, Suchdev PS, Crider KS, Pfeiffer CM, Serdula M. 2020 Interpretation of vitamin-B12 and folate concentrations in population-based surveys does not require adjustment for inflammation: Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutrition Determinants of Anemia (BRINDA) project. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 111(4):919-926. doi:

Whitfield KC, Shahab-Ferdows S, Kroeun H, Sophonneary P, Green TJ, Allen LH, Hampel D. 2020 Macro- and micronutrients in milk from healthy Cambodian mothers: status and interrelations. Journal of Nutrition nxaa070. doi:

Chan K & Whitfield KC. 2019 High confidence, yet poor knowledge of infant feeding recommendations among adults in Nova Scotia, Canada. Maternal & Child Nutrition 16(2):e12903. doi: 10.1111/mcn.12903

Chan K & Whitfield KC. 2019 Exploring breastfeeding knowledge and attitudes among non-caregivers: a narrative review. Canadian Journal of Dietetic Practice and Research 81 doi: 10.3148/cjdpr-2019-029

Carmody E, Richards T, Hayward K, Carson G, Whitfield KC, McClure J, Grant S. 2019 In-hospital feeding practices of infants born to mothers with Gestational Diabetes Mellitus or Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: evaluating policy implementation effectiveness. Canadian Journal of Diabetes 43(8):580-86. doi: 10.1016/j.jcjd.2019.10.008

Whitfield KC, Kroeun H, Green TJ, Wieringa FT, Borath M, Sophonneary P, Measelle JR, Baldwin D, Yelland L, Leemaqz S, Chan K, Gallant J. 2019 Thiamine dose response in human milk with supplementation among lactating women in Cambodia: study protocol for a double-blind, four-parallel arm randomized controlled trial. BMJ Open 9:e029255. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2019-029255

Whitfield KC & Ventura AK. 2019. Exploration of responsive feeding during breastfeeding versus bottle feeding of human milk: a within-subject pilot study. Breastfeeding Medicine 17(4):482-86.

Wesley AS, De Plaen R, Michaux KD, Whitfield KC, Green TJ. 2019. Integrating nutrition outcomes into agriculture development for impact at scale: highlights from the Canadian International Food Security Research Fund. Maternal & Child Nutrition 15(S3): e12812. doi:10.1111/mcn.12812  

Michaux KD, Hou K, Karakochuk CD, Whitfield KC, Ly S, Verbowski V, Stormer A, Porter K, Li KH, Houghton LA, Lynd LD, Talukder A, McLean J, Green TJ. 2019. Effect of Enhanced Homestead Food Production with or without aquaculture on anemia in women and children in Prey Veng, Cambodia: a cluster randomized controlled trial. Maternal & Child Nutrition 15(S3): e12757. doi:10.1111/mcn.12757

Whitfield KC, da Silva L, Feldman F, Singh S, McCann A, AcAnena L, Ward M, McNulty H, Barr SI, Green TG. 2019. Adequate vitamin B12 and riboflavin status from menus alone in residential care facilities in the Lower Mainland, British Columbia. Applied Physiology, Nutrition, and Metabolism 44(4):414-19. doi: 10.1139/apnm-2018-0459

Whitfield KC, Adamolekun B, Cox L, Fattal-Valevski A, Frank EL, Hiffler L, Kapner H, Tsaloglou M-N, Wieringa FT, Bergeron G, Bettendorff L, Bourassa MW, Brown KH, Butterworth R, Fischer PR, Hlaing LM, Jefferds ME, Kounnavong S, Mousavi MPS, Roth DE, Combs, GF Jr. 2018. Thiamine Deficiency Disorders: Diagnosis, Prevalence, and a Global Roadmap for Control Programs. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences doi: 10.1111/nyas.13919

Gao C, Liu G, Whitfield KC, Hou K, Green TJ, Gibson RA, Makrides M, Zhou SJ. 2018. Comparison of breast milk fatty acid composition of women from Cambodia and Australia. Journal of Human Lactation 34(3):585-91. doi: 10.1177/0890334418772279

Wiedeman AM, Whitfield KC, March KM, Chen NN, Kroeun H, Sokhoing L, Sophonneary P, Dyer RA, Xu Z, Kitts DD, Green TJ, Innis SM, Barr SI. 2018. Analysis of water-soluble forms of choline in milk samples from lactating women from Canada and Cambodia. Nutrients 10:381. doi:10.3390/nu10030381